PowerSchool is MCA’s grading and attendance system that allows parents to monitor their students daily academic progress. You can access daily assignments, and track grades and attendance. PowerSchool is a wonderful tool for you to better know how your child is academically progressing.
To login to PowerSchool for the first time, click “create account” and use the access ID and access password provided by MCA. Parents are able to add all their children to one account. Returning users, use the username and password you setup when you created your account. Grades, attendance, and a link to billing is all accessible when you login with a PC. Grades and attendance are available through the PowerSchool app that can be downloaded at your App Store. Search PowerSchool at your App Store, and add Mooresville Christian Academy by district code: RCKB when logging into the app for the first time
For Access ID and/or Password help please email info@mooresvillechristian.org