Just a few reminders concerning our student medical policies here at MCA:



Please be sure to keep your phone number and emergency contact information up-to-date so we can reach you in the event of an illness or injury at school.

Please send in a copy of any updated immunizations that your child may have received.


Please do not send your child to school if he or she is sick.

It is noble to have a good attendance record, but not so noble if you are spreading illness to others.

When to keep your child home:


  • Fever of 100 ⁰F or greater  AND students must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school. If student has tested positive for Covid, student must be fever free for 3 days before returning to school. 
  • Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Cough or difficulty breathing
  • Flu-like Symptoms
  • Sore Throat
  • Muscle Aches
  • Loss of Taste or Smell
  • Other communicable or contagious illnesses (ex. Pink eye, head lice, etc.)


Be advised that we do have a few common over-the-counter medications available (I.e. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl).  If you do not wish for your child to have these medications under professional  discretion, please notify me directly.


All prescriptions need to be in the office and arrangements made regarding drop-off and pick-up of these. 


We encourage all students to bring their own water bottle to school.


I look forward to seeing all of you this year.  At MCA, we love our students!  Let’s stay healthy so we can all ENJOY and GROW a STRONG MCA today and always.



Mrs. Pick


MCA School Nurse

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