We are happy to offer before and after-school care to our full-time students here at MCA! You are welcome to sign-up for unlimited care, or use childcare at your convenience.
Program Guidelines:
Before school care is offered 6:30am to 8:00am daily
Pick Up and Drop Off is at Door #1
Students dropped-off after 7:30am will not be charged for before-school care.
All students arriving before 7:45am will go to the gymnasium. At 7:45am students will be dismissed to go to their classroom.
After school care is offered until 6pm daily
Any student not picked up by 3:30pm will billed through FACTS for after care.
If students are not picked up by 6:00pm, parents will be billed $10.00 per fifteen minutes past 6:00pm.
After Care will be provided on Friday – early release days.
After Care will not be provided on special days we release half-day.
Check with your child’s teacher, After Care staff, or in our weekly newsletter for more information when special half-days are coming up.
Unlimited Childcare Monthly Rates
1 child
2 children
3 or more children
Half Hour Childcare
Price per child per half hour
* New block begins every 30 minutes. Any minutes used in a block counts as a full block. (i.e. 3:30pm to 4pm is $2 for one 30-minute block of time. 3:30pm to 4:03pm is $4 for two 30-minute blocks of time.)
* Students picked-up by 3:30pm (2:30pm on early release Fridays), will not be charged for after-school care.
* Students dropped-off after 7:45am will not be charged for before-school care.