After School Study Room
Community Art Shows
ASCI Speech Meet
Running Club
Drama Club
English & Writing Competitions
ACSI Spell Bowl
Math Pentathlon
Music & Band Programs
Robotics Club
Spanish Club
Student Leadership/Government
Students learn numbers to 100, addition, and subtraction. Students also learn letter and sound recognition for all 26 letters of the alphabet, the one and two vowel rules, double consonants, and consonant blends. They also learn color words, number words, and other basic sight words. Using these phonetic skills and sight words, students learn to read. The kindergartners go on field trips to St Francis Hospital for “Healthy Sprouts”, Waterman’s Farm Market Pumpkin Patch, and the National Institute of Fitness and Sport. They also enjoy Christmas around the World activities in December.
1st Grade
Students learn numbers to 100, addition, and subtraction, fractions, telling time to five minutes, carrying, simple story problems, symmetry and very basic multiplication. Students also learn letter and sound recognition for all 26 letters of the alphabet, the one and two vowel rules, double consonants, and consonant blends. They also learn color words, number words, and other basic sight words. Using these phonetic skills and sight words, students learn to read. Students label sentences with noun, verb, adverb, adjective, article adjective, preposition, object of the preposition and pronoun. The children begin writing proper sentences and paragraphs. They learn and use synonyms/antonyms, common and proper nouns, and past, present and future tense verbs.
2nd Grade
Second graders begin reading chapter books and learn to borrow, multiply, and divide in math. They are introduced to cursive writing and do all of their work in cursive by the end of the year. In science each student will also choose an animal they are interested in and write a simple report or booklet about that animal.
During our unit on Native Americans, each student builds a model of an Indian dwelling. There are several types of homes to choose from. We take field trips to a veterinarian clinic and Conner Prairie. At Conner Prairie, students have a hands-on class about colonial life where they are able to churn butter, dip candles, and make cornbread.
3rd Grade
Students love our history book! It covers great American heroes who display moral integrity and bravery. Students are challenged in math by learning multiplication, long division, fractions, algebra, and more complicated story problems. Students will be working on Science projects during the first semester.
The third grade field trips are most enjoyable. They participate in the the Ruth Lilly Center for health education. They also attend the orchestra in the spring. Students and parents carry this memory with them for years to come.
4th Grade
In math, students learn 3 digit multiplication, 2 digit division, decimals, geometry skills, and addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions. In reading students read chapter books and work on comprehension skills. In language they work on writing skills through book reports, narratives, expository and persuasive paragraphs, report writing, creative writing, poetry; parts of speech, sentence structure, and word usage.
Field trips and activities include the following: the Nature Trail at Fallwood, visiting the state capitol building, participating in pioneer day, the read in day, and book character day. Fourth graders also study Indiana history.
5th Grade
During fifth grade math students will learn measurement conversion, factions and decimals, story problems, and an introduction to algebraic equations. In reading, students begin their year reading and discussing stories from their Bob Jones reader. They then have an opportunity to read a novel together as a class. Their writing will culminate in combining history and grammar with a report on a country of their choice. Science will include a major entomology (insect) project and field trips to Bradford Woods and the Children’s Museum.
* Each class also participates in several extra-curricular classes – Music, Computer, Physical Education/P.E., Art, Spanish, and Library/Reading Time.
Additional Academic Clubs and Competitions are also available – Spelling Bowl, Math Bowl, Bible Bowl, Speech Meet, Spanish Club and a variety of other academic events. *
Spanish is taught to preschool through 8th grade students. MCA feels it is important to introduce our students to the Spanish language and culture at an early age, and each age is taught at it’s appropriate level. Students participate in enjoyable activities which develop communicative competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing the Spanish language. Language acquisition is a positive, nonthreatening, and fun process. During class we play games which help develop and retain vocabulary. The interactive SmartBoard is also frequently used to help students visually and physically connect with Spanish through technology. We understand that learning a new language is a gradual progression!
As students progress into Junior High, we set high expectations to prepare students for high school. Students are expected to converse with each other and perform skits in Spanish. We also have a Spanish-food day; students prepare Hispanic foods at home and bring into class to share with everyone. 8th grade students are expected to learn and recite “The Lord’s Prayer” in Spanish. Each student will develop a love for Spanish and understand the importance and benefit of speaking different languages.