
Academics are a top priority at MCA.  In addition to the regular classroom education, we also have various clubs, activities, and tutoring to enhance the education of your children. A few “extras” are:

After School Study Room

Community Art Shows

ASCI Speech Meet

Running Club

Drama Club

English & Writing Competitions

ACSI Spell Bowl

Math Pentathlon

Music & Band Programs

Robotics Club

Spanish Club

Student Leadership/Government

Academics at MCA


The Eagle’s Nest Preschool at Mooresville Christian Academy provides a nurturing environment that promotes your child’s cognitive, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual growth. We have caring teachers, a fun atmosphere and a strong biblical curriculum! Student learning combines the use of manipulatives, hands-on learning centers, seat work, and fun crafts centered around weekly themes. We also have weekly Chapel services, as well as weekly music and Spanish classes.  We learn a lot and have fun doing it!



Students learn numbers to 100, addition, and subtraction. Students also learn letter and sound recognition for all 26 letters of the alphabet, the one and two vowel rules, double consonants, and consonant blends. They also learn color words, number words, and other basic sight words. Using these phonetic skills and sight words, students learn to read. The kindergartners go on field trips to St Francis Hospital for “Healthy Sprouts”, Waterman’s Farm Market Pumpkin Patch, and the National Institute of Fitness and Sport. They also enjoy Christmas around the World activities in December.


1st Grade
Students learn numbers to 100, addition, and subtraction, fractions, telling time to five minutes, carrying, simple story problems, symmetry and very basic multiplication. Students also learn letter and sound recognition for all 26 letters of the alphabet, the one and two vowel rules, double consonants, and consonant blends. They also learn color words, number words, and other basic sight words. Using these phonetic skills and sight words, students learn to read. Students label sentences with noun, verb, adverb, adjective, article adjective, preposition, object of the preposition and pronoun.  The children begin writing proper sentences and paragraphs.  They learn and use synonyms/antonyms, common and proper nouns, and past, present and future tense verbs.


2nd Grade
Second graders begin reading chapter books and learn to borrow, multiply, and divide in math. They are introduced to cursive writing and do all of their work in cursive by the end of the year. In science each student will also choose an animal they are interested in and write a simple report or booklet about that animal.

During our unit on Native Americans, each student builds a model of an Indian dwelling. There are several types of homes to choose from. We take field trips to a veterinarian clinic and Conner Prairie. At Conner Prairie, students have a hands-on class about colonial life where they are able to churn butter, dip candles, and make cornbread.


3rd Grade
Students love our history book! It covers great American heroes who display moral integrity and bravery.  Students are challenged in math by learning multiplication, long division, fractions, algebra, and more complicated story problems. Students will be working on Science projects during the first semester.

The third grade field trips are most enjoyable. They participate in the the Ruth Lilly Center for health education. They also attend the orchestra in the spring.  Students and parents carry this memory with them for years to come.


4th Grade
In math, students learn 3 digit multiplication, 2 digit division, decimals, geometry skills, and addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions. In reading students read chapter books and work on comprehension skills. In language they work on writing skills through book reports, narratives, expository and persuasive paragraphs, report writing, creative writing, poetry; parts of speech, sentence structure, and word usage.

Field trips and activities include the following: the Nature Trail at Fallwood, visiting the state capitol building, participating in pioneer day, the read in day, and book character day. Fourth graders also study Indiana history.


5th Grade
During fifth grade math students will learn measurement conversion, factions and decimals, story problems, and an introduction to algebraic equations. In reading, students begin their year reading and discussing stories from their Bob Jones reader. They then have an opportunity to read a novel together as a class. Their writing will culminate in combining history and grammar with a report on a country of their choice. Science will include a major entomology (insect) project and field trips to Bradford Woods and the Children’s Museum.

* Each class also participates in several extra-curricular classes – Music, Computer, Physical Education/P.E., Art, Spanish, and Library/Reading Time.

Additional Academic Clubs and Competitions are also available – Spelling Bowl, Math Bowl, Bible Bowl, Speech Meet, Spanish Club and a variety of other academic events. *

Junior High

Math 5: This course emphasizes the practical use of problem-solving and mental math computation using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.  Students use manipulatives to build on the mathematical foundations while developing students’ understanding of geometry, fractions, decimals, ratios, and measurements.

General Math:  This course challenges students to become more proficient in their foundations of math, and continue to develop in number sense and computation.  This will lead to developing skills and an understanding in algebra, geometry, data analysis, and probability.

Fundamentals of Math: This course focuses on strengthening students’ foundations of math while bridging any gaps of math and it’s systems.  Students work with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, number theory, and equations, pushing them past memorization and understanding how and why these concepts work.

Pre-Algebra: This course lays the foundation for all upper-level mathematics, and forms a connection between concrete and abstract mathematics. Algebraic expressions and linear equations are practiced using integers, fractions, decimals, percents, and radicals.  Students become familiar with algebra terminology, reasoning, data analysis, and probability.

Algebra 1: This course focuses on combining algebraic concepts with technology and real-world scenarios to grow and develop student comprehension.  Algebra I students will examine simplifying and solving linear, exponential, radical, quadratic, and rational functions.

Science 5:  Students will discover facts and information to use to gain understanding for future sciences.  The topics covered are: biology (cycles, cells, ecology), physical science (matter, forces, electricity), earth & space science (weather, climate, sun, earth, moon), and the human body (transitions & disease).

Science 6: Student study earth and space science, including the sun, moon, stars, comets, and meteors.  They also study energy, solids, liquids and gases, as well as atoms and molecules. We conclude by exploring all the animal kingdoms and phyla.

Science 7: Students study cells, cell structure, functions, and division, plus DNA.  They also study some earth science topics such as tectonic plates, earthquakes and volcanoes, rocks and fossils.  We conclude by looking at motion, and mechanics and energy.

Science 8: Students study chemistry, the periodic table, atoms, compounds and mixtures, chemical equations, and acids. They also study the science of DNA and genetics, mutations, and adaptation and extinction of species.  We conclude by learning about Indiana weather, oceans, the atmosphere, and the environment.

English 5: Students will read both fiction and non-fiction literature and complete different writing projects throughout the year.  They also focus on poetry, writing projects, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar which will build their reading skills and writing abilities.

English 6:  Students will read both fiction and non-fiction literature and complete different writing projects throughout the year.  Students will also study spelling, vocabulary, and grammar that will improve their reading skills and writing abilities.

English 7:    Students will read both fiction and non-fiction literature and complete different writing projects throughout the year.  They also focus on poetry, writing projects, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar which will build their reading skills and writing abilities.

English 8:  Students will read both fiction and non-fiction literature throughout the year.  They write many papers including a large research project. The research project is the culmination of nine years of learning. It encapsulates all the skills they have acquired and demonstrates their ability to articulate ideas.

American History:  This year is an overview of History of the United States. We will discuss Geography, history, culture, and Social changes from Early American time to current history.

Ancient Civilizations: Students learn about the history, culture, and geography of Europe and the Americans. We cover a variety of interesting topics, including Ancient Greece and Rome, ancient Egypt, ancient Mayan culture, and other ancient world cultures.

World Cultures and Geography: Students learn about world history from the Middle Ages to modern times. We focus on the geography, topography, culture, and resources of areas such as the continent of Africa; South, Southwest, and Central Asia; Southeast Asia,  Australia and New Zealand.

Colonial and Constitutional America: Students learn about early American history from the time of the explorers to the late 1800s. We will cover the Colonial Period, the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and westward expansion. Students also have the opportunity to study our Constitution in-depth and learn the basics of how American government works.

Old Testament Studies:  Students will survey the Old Testament and memorize scripture throughout the Bible.

Foundations of God:  Students will discover truths on creation, the fall, and redemption as it reveals the character and plans of the triune God: Father, Son, and Spirit. The focus of the class is to build a firm foundation on the truths in God’s word and to expose worldviews that are not built on the foundation of Jesus.

Biblical Studies and Faith Formation: The study of scripture, spiritual disciplines, and biblical concepts for the primary purpose of developing a closer relationship with Christ, resulting in spiritual transformation, and the secondary purpose of life application of biblical truth.

Worldview Studies:  Students will study in detail the six different world views:  Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxism, Cosmic Humanism, and Postmodernism. Students will also memorize around 45 Bible passages that we quiz on throughout the year.

Students will have the opportunity to partake in a variety of sports and activities.  They will gain an understanding on different health and fitness concepts that they will utilize for future years, such as nutrition, fitness, and nutrition.  A goal and emphasis is on active participation and positive social interaction during the different activities.

Tech Elements I:  Students will  focus on speed and accuracy of typing skills. They will be  introduced  to  MLA formatting. We will also reiterate  safe online searching, Internet ethics and behavior, and collaborative writing, communication, publishing activities., and Stop Motion Films.

Tech Elements II:  Students will focus on typing speed and accuracy. They will understand and demonstrate the difference between hardware and software.  They will also continue to gain understanding of  MLA formatting and computer problem solving, work on Stop Motion Films. Students will continue learning about internet safety and ethical issues as they relate to computers and networks.

Tech Elements III:  Students will focus on  typing accuracy and speed.  They will  represent data in a variety of ways (e.g., test, sound, pictures, and numbers), and use different visual representations of problems, structures, and data (e.g., graphs, charts, network diagrams, flowcharts). Students will continue to practice MLA formatting with writing prompts while also improving typing skills. They  will work on small projects to emphasize knowledge and usage of Docs, Slides, and Sheets.

Tech Elements III: Students will research paper formatting in MLA style.  They will continue to gain understanding the major components and functions of computer systems and networks. Students will How to turn  an online file into a workable file. How to cut and copy sound clips. Coding a website. Typing skills.

Spanish Level 1 – Introduction to Spanish:  Students will learn basic fundamentals of Spanish such as greeting, talking about yourself, likes and dislikes and basic sentence structure.

Spanish Level 2 – Basic Spanish:  This Spanish level is for those students who have some previous knowledge of basic Spanish structures .  Focus is on grammar and increasing vocabulary through study and conversation.

Spanish Level 3 – Intermediate Spanish:  The focus for this class is on increasing four language skills; listening, reading, writing, and speaking.  They will also begin to use Spanish in everyday situations.

Spanish Level 4 – Advanced Spanish:  This class is for students who already have a general command of the Spanish language and have a strong solid vocabulary base.  The focus will be on proficiency and command of the Spanish language.

Junior High Electives:

This  is an elective that will provide students in the 5th grade who have never before played a band instrument the opportunity to learn an instrument.  Students will learn the basics of performance on their instrument and will begin reading music from a standard beginning band method book.

This  is an elective that will provide students with the opportunity to further develop their performance and musicianship skills on their instruments.  Students will also learn about the importance of using their musical talents as a form of ministry and community service.

The study of the interrelation of musical elements such as theory, rhythm, melody, and harmony for the purpose of developing an understanding and appreciation of how music is created and why it is enjoyed.

The study of the use of narrative in film for the purpose of relating a message or worldview.

Students in this class, will learn a range of subjects in regards to music and musical performance.  Each day students will learn proper singing techniques, music theory, rhythmic and vocal sight-reading, choreography, leading worship, and performances in and outside of school.

Students are offered a wonderful curriculum that includes the elements and principles of art.  They will discover different artists and art history.  Students will also collaborate and work together on several school projects.

Students will explore the art of acting in drama class, from individual performance to group skits and plays. The drama students put on a play every fall, participate in the variety show in the spring, and perform skits during Chapel.

Fine Arts

Meet the Masters is an Art program that introduces students to the Master Artists and their styles. This year we will study Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Mary Cassatt, Pablo Picasso, Winslow Homer, and Piet Mondrian.

As we study an artist we will watch slides and study their lives and work. This allows students to gain an understanding and appreciation for the artist’s life and how his or her experiences influenced their art.

We will then go into the art studio and learn about such things as texture, line, color, balance, shape and value. Students will have the opportunity to practice these things and then apply them to a project that uses the style of the Master Artist being studied.

MCA offers praise band, music, and advanced band classes.

The band program at MCA began with the opening of the new building in 2000. We started from scratch then, and each year the band has grown in quality, expectations and reputation. The students are offered the option to learn a band instrument when they begin fifth grade. They spend two-thirds of their band class time divided into woodwinds, brass and percussion for more individualized instruction. This helps build a solid foundation for when they move into junior high band, where they meet as a full band three times per week. The Advanced Band prepares challenging music for several performances each year, and the number of events at which they perform increases all the time, too. For example, they will be playing at an Indiana Music Educators’ Association festival in Shelbyville, which is a really good experience, and prepares them for more critical ears.

This course focuses upon public speaking and culminates with a spring musical. Students are taught, voice projection (speaking and singing), public speaking techniques and improvisation skills in this hands on class. Past performances have included full-length musicals, classics such as “Anne of Green Gables”, Comedies, and short skits.

Students are also encouraged to participate in Drama Club after school.


Spanish is taught to preschool through 8th grade students. MCA feels it is important to introduce our students to the Spanish language and culture at an early age, and each age is taught at it’s appropriate level. Students participate in enjoyable activities which develop communicative competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing the Spanish language. Language acquisition is a positive, nonthreatening, and fun process. During class we play games which help develop and retain vocabulary. The interactive SmartBoard is also frequently used to help students visually and physically connect with Spanish through technology. We understand that learning a new language is a gradual progression!

As students progress into Junior High, we set high expectations to prepare students for high school. Students are expected to converse with each other and perform skits in Spanish. We also have a Spanish-food day; students prepare Hispanic foods at home and bring into class to share with everyone. 8th grade students are expected to learn and recite “The Lord’s Prayer” in Spanish. Each student will develop a love for Spanish and understand the importance and benefit of speaking different languages.

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Second and Third grades focus on keyboard awareness, and complete a unit of study on PC Basics, learning the parts of the computer and how a computer functions.  We also cover Internet safety and cyber etiquette.  We introduce educational games supporting Math, English and Science, and learn Kidpix to teach graphics and learning skills.

Fourth and Fifth grades work on accuracy first, then speed;  the  4th grade goal at 15 words per minute, and 5th grade goal at 20 words per minute, by the end of the quarter.  Second quarter is a unit on Internet safety and cyber etiquette.  The internet is used for educational games supporting Math, English and Science.  We introduce search engines for research purposes, and learn to discern good information from bad information.  In second semester, these skills are used to do such projects as an Indiana History notebook, and creating a brochure on a country of their choice.  We also review basic computer hardware care.

This project-based class will be able to competently use Google Suites (Docs, Slides, Sheets)  as well as expertly search the World Wide Web for reliable information. Students also learn about 21st century skills. Sixth grade students will discuss topics such as goal-setting, how to take notes, how to study, and other topics that relate to getting the most out of their educational experience. Seventh graders will learn about copyrighting, rights of creators, how to safely navigate and express themselves online, etc. By the time students are in eighth grade they are well prepared for high school technology courses.

According to MCA’s Student Handbook and Internet Usage Form signed by parents and students during the enrollment process, all students are expected to serve as positive ambassadors for Mooresville Christian Academy. Any use of technology, social networking sites, blog sites, etc. creates a risk of impacting your personal testimony and Christian witness. It is vital that you conduct yourself in a way that does not change your standing as a student at MCA.

MCA uses safe-searches and filters for all student technology while here at school. Parents are strongly encouraged to protect their children by providing PC and device filtering/monitoring while at home or on mobile devices. MCA does not endorse specific filtering or monitoring systems but offers the following companies as a starting-place when you research options for your family. Click on the following icons for more additional information:

Covenant Eyes Family Plan
Covenant Eyes 40 Day Challenge
Qustodio Monitoring Solutions
Qustodio Monitoring Solutions
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